Resilience & Grace
WELCOME to "Resilience & Grace" with Mary McCarthy. Mary shares her teachings through meditation and conversation. Expect "moments of grace" in each episode. It is an invitation to connect your mind, body, and spirit. Learn more about Mary and her teachings online at www.mary-mccarthy.com
Podcasting since 2019 • 70 episodes
Resilience & Grace
Latest Episodes
Meditation: Experience the Five Koshas
Explore the five koshas, or layers of being in this meditation. The five sheaths include: Annamaya kosha (physical body)Pranamaya kosha (energy body) Manomaya kosha (mental body) ...
Season 5
Episode 70

Witnessing Your Thoughts
One of the main benefits o meditation and turning the mind inward is the ability to mindfully witness thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Tara Brach calls this our superpower. Mindful witnessing is having the ability to know you are aware of bein...
Season 5
Episode 69

Meditation: Witnessing Mind
In this meditation, you will expand your awareness and notice physical sensations, thoughts, and feelings in the present moment. Witnessing the present moment is our superpower as humans.This practice helps us remember that we are more ...

Benefits of Practicing Yoga Outdoors
While yoga studios are often relaxing, quiet, climate-controlled Zen environments, nothing can beat warm sunshine on your face, a gentle breeze on your skin, and the smell of cut grass and its coolness under the soles of your feet.
Season 5
Episode 67

Meditation: Body Scan
Body scan meditation is a good way to release the physical tension you might not realize you're experiencing. It is a mindfulness-based intervention and involves paying attention to parts of the body and bodily sensations in a gradual sequence ...
Season 5
Episode 66